Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy July 4th week!  I can hardly believe it is July already.  This year is going by so fast that it's making my head spin.  July is always a busy month with different things going on, so I'm sure this month will pass by just as quickly as the others have. 

Last month at this time we had just flown to Zhengzhou, with only a few hours until we would meet little Joshua for the first time.  We were full of anticipation at what would take place, how he would react to us, and how he would adjust to our family.  I am still amazed at the ease of the transition we have had.  Joshua is such a pleasant little boy, happy most of the time.  His biggest dislike is the car seat.  He is getting a little better about it, not fussing quite as much.  Since he is so small he has to be in the infant seat.  But that's about the most fussing he does.  He just crawls all around here with his sweet smile and gets tons of attention from everyone.  I love to hear Hannah and Matthew playing with him.  Joshua loves for Hannah to hold him and is always laughing at Matthew's silliness!  I was watching them yesterday, thinking how undeservedly blessed I am to have been entrusted with these precious souls.  What a responsibility that I am so inadequate for without the help of my Heavenly Father! 

Joshua is still eating everything, and I mean everything we are giving him.  I am feeding him only healthy foods so that he can get the adequate nutrition he needs to grow as he should.  He's getting a tiny bit of meat on those little legs!  I am trying to teach him a few signs so that he can communicate what he needs or wants to us.  I know he'll catch on soon through lots of repitition and teaching.  His newest things to do - he likes to wave and give high 5, oh and stand on his head!

Chad has been busy building a loft bed for Matthew's room.  With the crib in there now, it is pretty cramped, so we decided to create more room in there by putting Matthew up high and being able to slide some of the furniture and toys underneath.  It will look great once we get it all together and organized.

We have continually been blessed by people bringing meals, and showering Joshua with things he needs.  I continue to marvel at God's faithfulness and His mighty hand.  As I look back over the last couple of years, I am constantly seeing the ways that God was working, moving and bringing all of this together.  I'm running out of time now, but I'll share later how a couple of days ago God really brought to mind something only He could have orchestrated. 

Happy July 4th!  We are so blessed to live in this country, even with all of its faults and failures.  When we were in China, we had to go to apply for Joshua's passport.  Our agency rep said that everyone we would see in that place that day was either adopting or was trying to immigrate to the US.  The place was packed with people, mostly Chinese people, trying to apply to come over here.  The freedom we have is a blessing I know I constantly take for granted.  And while that freedom is such a gift, it could never compare to the freedom I have in Christ Jesus!
Romans 8:1-2 "Therefore, there is now no comdemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." 
Praise His glorious Name!!!

This is the latest trick he likes to do - stand on his head!

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