Monday, July 16, 2012

One month ago today at this time we were on a plane from Chicago to RDU, heading home with our new little boy.  I can hardly believe it has been a month since we have been home.  It has been a great time of getting to know Joshua, introducing him to so many special people, and incorporating him into our home and lives! 

He is growing - still small - but growing!  He is still eating everything, which is good.  I'm thankful he likes to eat and is easy to please!  It gets to the point that I just have to stop feeding strategy is to feel his little belly - when it gets nice and tight, I tell him he's had enough for now! 

Today we received his medical records from Maria's Big House of Hope.  This included the surgery notes and x-rays of his hand.  I'm thankful for these!  We are also supposed to receive pictures from Maria's when they finish compiling them together.  I'm looking forward to those! 

We also received his Certificate of Citizenship in the mail today.  He was officially a citizen when we landed in the US, but now we have the actual certificate to prove it!  It still seems surreal that everything has actually taken place - we waited, anticipated it and talked about it for so long!  I am thankful that God had every detail in His hands, that everything happened in His perfect timing.  His plan was far greater than anything I could have come up with on my own.  I thank Him for His almighty hand at work in our lives.  I pray that He alone has gotten all glory for the great things He has done!

I'll try to get some more pictures up here soon! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello to all!  I'm glad to have a few minutes to sit down and write out a few things here on the blog.  Now if I can just stay awake long enough to finish it - and make some sense!

We started VBS tonight at church, which is always an exciting week!  For the last several years I have helped lead the music for the older kids.  I didn't commit to anything this year - at the time not knowing exactly when we would travel to China, and also knowing if we were back I would not have adequate time to prepare for it.  So this year I'm just taking Joshua around so we can see what's going on throughout the church. 

Every year the kids bring an offering and the money goes to a mission emphasis of some kind.  I was so excited to learn that this year the money raised is going to be sent to Maria's Big House of Hope in China!  If you remember, that is where Joshua lived for about 9 1/2 months, from Dec. 2010 - October 2011.  As I watched the video tonight and looked at this beautiful place we actually got to go visit, I was so thankful to know that Joshua had been so well taken care of while he was there.  In my last post I said I needed to share something that God had brought to mind...

Towards the end of 2010, Chad was out of work for about 3 months due to some physical issues.  In October, Steven Curtis Chapman and his family were doing a tour and they were going to be in Durham.  I tried several times to win tickets off of HIS Radio, and finally got through the morning before the concert.  I was thrilled when I was caller #4!  We were able to go to Durham and enjoy a very blessed evening.  All through the night there were advertisements for Show Hope, their organization that helps raise money to help care for orphans.  They were trying to get more people to become monthly sponsors to help give grants to adoptive families, and also help support Maria's Big House of Hope in Luoyang in the Henan Province of China.  All during the night I kept feeling like we were supposed to sign up to become monthly sponsors of Show Hope.  I knew it was kind of crazy - Chad was out of work and we didn't know what was going on or when he would go back.  We really didn't know where $35 a month would come from, but as we've learned  - when God leads, you follow and obey.  At the time there were no prospects of anything adoption related happening for us yet.  We knew we wanted to help a child, so we decided that we would sign up to become monthly sponsors.  It was a leap of faith to fill out the information, but we did it, trusting that's what God was leading us to do. 

As we have been home and I have thought about the timeline of events and how different things have happened it occurred to me - we signed up to be come sponsors in October, our first payment was drafted out in November, and Joshua went to live there in December!  I was amazed when I thought of that and how God works!  We were glad to know that we would be helping a child in some way - little did we know that God had placed our child in the care of Maria's Big House of Hope!  He received such good care there, and also received the surgery he needed on his hand.  I keep pondering all of this over and over, and the conclusion is this:  God is Big!  He is very real.  He is constantly working in the lives of His children, whether we can see it or not.  I am so thankful for Maria's Big House and the work they do in China.  And the other miracle is this - China is a pretty big place!  The fact that Joshua was born in the very city that Maria's is located is God's providence as well, which allowed us to be able to go there, visit and get this piece of the amazing puzzle God has so intricately put together. 

Maybe you would consider becoming a monthly sponsor of Show Hope!  You can visit their website at  Read about the marvelous work God is doing for the least of these who are so precious in His sight!     

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy July 4th week!  I can hardly believe it is July already.  This year is going by so fast that it's making my head spin.  July is always a busy month with different things going on, so I'm sure this month will pass by just as quickly as the others have. 

Last month at this time we had just flown to Zhengzhou, with only a few hours until we would meet little Joshua for the first time.  We were full of anticipation at what would take place, how he would react to us, and how he would adjust to our family.  I am still amazed at the ease of the transition we have had.  Joshua is such a pleasant little boy, happy most of the time.  His biggest dislike is the car seat.  He is getting a little better about it, not fussing quite as much.  Since he is so small he has to be in the infant seat.  But that's about the most fussing he does.  He just crawls all around here with his sweet smile and gets tons of attention from everyone.  I love to hear Hannah and Matthew playing with him.  Joshua loves for Hannah to hold him and is always laughing at Matthew's silliness!  I was watching them yesterday, thinking how undeservedly blessed I am to have been entrusted with these precious souls.  What a responsibility that I am so inadequate for without the help of my Heavenly Father! 

Joshua is still eating everything, and I mean everything we are giving him.  I am feeding him only healthy foods so that he can get the adequate nutrition he needs to grow as he should.  He's getting a tiny bit of meat on those little legs!  I am trying to teach him a few signs so that he can communicate what he needs or wants to us.  I know he'll catch on soon through lots of repitition and teaching.  His newest things to do - he likes to wave and give high 5, oh and stand on his head!

Chad has been busy building a loft bed for Matthew's room.  With the crib in there now, it is pretty cramped, so we decided to create more room in there by putting Matthew up high and being able to slide some of the furniture and toys underneath.  It will look great once we get it all together and organized.

We have continually been blessed by people bringing meals, and showering Joshua with things he needs.  I continue to marvel at God's faithfulness and His mighty hand.  As I look back over the last couple of years, I am constantly seeing the ways that God was working, moving and bringing all of this together.  I'm running out of time now, but I'll share later how a couple of days ago God really brought to mind something only He could have orchestrated. 

Happy July 4th!  We are so blessed to live in this country, even with all of its faults and failures.  When we were in China, we had to go to apply for Joshua's passport.  Our agency rep said that everyone we would see in that place that day was either adopting or was trying to immigrate to the US.  The place was packed with people, mostly Chinese people, trying to apply to come over here.  The freedom we have is a blessing I know I constantly take for granted.  And while that freedom is such a gift, it could never compare to the freedom I have in Christ Jesus!
Romans 8:1-2 "Therefore, there is now no comdemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." 
Praise His glorious Name!!!

This is the latest trick he likes to do - stand on his head!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hello!  I know it's been a few days since my last post.  I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here.  Back to normal - a new normal, with a cute little Joshua to add to the mix! 

We've been home a week now.  I had a hard time Monday and Tuesday finding energy to do anything.  The time change, jet lag and all the excitement finally caught up with me.  I was trying to get some things done, but it was tough!  I usually don't intentionally lay down to take a nap, but it could not be avoided those two days! 

Chad went back to work on Wednesday.  The heat is tough for him I know, but he powers through and works so hard for our family.  I am so blessed to walk through life with him.

As the week has progressed, Joshua is sleeping better each night.  I think the time difference and his new surroundings played a part in keeping him up some.  However, he is doing better each night.  He likes to eat - eats everything - he has refused nothing he has been given.  I am thankful, because he needs good nutrition.    

We have been showered all week by so much love and encouragement.  Our family has enjoyed showing Joshua off to so many that have anticipated him right along with us.  I was thrilled to be able to take him to Calvary Baptist Church yesterday, his first Sunday there.  When we were practicing the music for the morning service, I just melted down in a pile of tears in my little corner.  I was so overwhelmed by God's goodness that I could not contain myself.  I had been thinking all morning how thankful I am that these three weeks we've had Joshua are the beginning of him learning of Jesus.  I think about his past and him being in the orphanage - who would have taken the gospel to him?  How would he have heard the good news of Jesus?  How would he have known that God sent Jesus to die for him so he could be adopted into a heavenly family?  I pray for his future salvation.  I pray that when he gets old enough that he will bow to Jesus in a child-like faith, surrendering his heart and life to Him.        

I better go finish the housework.  I still have one suitcase left to unpack, but I'll get to it eventually.  Right now I hear a little monkey waking up from a nap.  I'd rather go love on him instead!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello to all  - this time from USA!!!

Friday was a day filled with packing and getting ready to come home.  We had some final fun times with our newest friends - especially trying to get group pictures!  We had family pictures made, a big group picture, and then tried to get pictures of all the adopted kids sitting together.  That was fun!  They were all dressed in their little Chinese outfits and looked simply precious. 

We received the visas Friday afternoon, then left the hotel headed to Hong Kong to spend the night.  Four of us families rode in vans to Hong Kong - and that van ride was quite the adventure.  Those guys weaved in and out of traffic like crazy - which made for a very nauseating three hours!  By God's grace alone we made it there!  We were there for the night, then headed out of Hong Kong for home.  The flight was long and at times turbulant.  Joshua did well and slept off and on for alot of it.  We arrived in Chicago and had a long layover there.  It grew longer as there were many delays for our RDU flight.  It was supposed to leave at 7:45, but finally left at 10:20.  With the time change, we made it here about 2:45 Sunday morning.  It was great to see home again! 

We had a wonderful homecoming with quite a few surprises from some wonderful friends!  A few awesome friends had 4 boxes of diapers sitting here waiting for us.  Another dear one had a basket full of goodies for Joshua.  She even had printed out some of the pictures from the blog and had them framed.  Then some sweet friends had stocked our fridge and pantry so we would have some food when we got back home.  When we walked in Matthew's room, we were blown away to find a crib set up, complete with Lightening McQueen bedding and filled with gifts for Joshua.  We are completely humbled and so blessed by these acts of kindness and care.  God just keeps right on outdoing Himself - proving over and over He provides all that we need, exactly when we need it.  He is simply amazing!

Joshua has continued to do well and seems to enjoy home.  He's just been exploring his new surroundings.  I've noticed him playing with the carpet some - rubbing it and pulling at it.  He likes the magnets on the fridge and all of Matthew's cars.  He is eating well and has filled out even in just these two weeks.  His smile is precious and his laugh contagious.   

I've sat down a couple of times to try to reflect on so many things learned throughout this whole process.  I haven't finished or compiled all of my thoughts yet - first of all, due to exhaustion and trying to readjust to the time change.  I keep falling asleep!  And second of all, there is so much to tell.  I'll have to gather my thoughts and emotions and hope that I can come close to making sense of that fact that God would be so gracious to let us travel this road and bless us in countless ways.  I'll continue to blog some.  I've enjoyed that it has helped me ponder the things that God has done, and I pray it has brought Him glory in the process.  He is worthy of all praise, honor and glory in all things. 

Thanks for reading.  I'll post more pictures later!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hello!  Thank you for praying for Hannah.  She has been much better today, and so far the rest of us are ok, too.  Keep praying - in hopes that nothing hits between now and flying home Saturday. 

Today was the last full day in Guangzhou.  We started early so we could all head out for our meeting at the US Consulate.  Every family in our group took the "oath" at the same time.  We had to raise our right hand and swear that all of the information we gave to the US Consulate is true to the best of our knowledge.  Then we had some paperwork to look over and sign so Joshua can receive his visa tomorrow.  We should get that around 4, then we will take about a 3 hour ride to Hong Kong to spend the night and fly out Saturday morning.  We were going to take the train, but after talking to our agency rep, she said the van ride would be much easier and probably cheaper.  So, about 4 of us families are doing that instead of the train. 

We are excited about coming home to familiar surroundings, languages and faces; however, there are a couple of things I will miss about China.  First of all, the families that we have been priviledged to meet and share this journey with here.  We were put together - not by our adoption agency - but ultimately by a sovereign God who knows us all intimately and personally.  We were put together with people we had never met before to share one of the biggest events of our lives, and we are leaving as friends, forever bonded by this most amazing experience.  This reminds me again of how our Master Weaver works, every stitch is placed perfectly.  We are all looking forward to sharing emails and pictures in the coming months of how our children grow, develop and flourish in their new families.  Joshua, Jack, Anna, Allison, Tori and Larry are all going to new homes and new lives with families that are so thankful for the chance to raise them as their own.  I will also miss the comical chaos of watching the never ending traffic - not being in it, but watching it!  And I must be honest and admit I will miss the nice housekeeping lady that makes my bed and cleans my bathroom each day!  :-)   

I've looked at each of these children and families, wondering what God's purpose and plan is for each of us.  Why did he place Joshua with us, or Jack with Stephen and Jennifer?  Why was this child placed in our care?  What is it that they will learn from us that will fulfill their God given purpose in this life?  And what is it we will learn from them that will ultimately fulfill God's purpose for us as well?  That's where I have to seek God's guidance and instruction - just like I've tried to do with Hannah and Matthew (though I haven't always sought Him nearly as much as I should.)  I trust that God - the perfect parent - will lead as we seek Him for wisdom in all things.  I'm reminded of James' words - "If any of you lack wisdom He should ask of God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to Him."  God will graciously give wisdom when I actively seek and ask Him for it. 

I'll have to pack up this computer tomorrow and don't know that I'll have a chance to post anymore from this side of the ocean.  I am in tears as this part of the journey comes to a close - tears of sadness, joy and excitement, but most of all - tears of amazement at a faithful, gracious God who has held my hand through this great adventure.  I must say this - if God calls you to do something, no matter how big or out of reach it seems - do it.  Follow Him.  He is trustworthy and sure.  He is good and kind.  He is out for your good and His glory. 

Thank you for encouraging us, praying for us, loving us and anticipating Joshua with us.  We're looking forward to introducing you to the cutest little monkey in all of China! 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey, ya'll!  We're trying to teach Stephen and Jennifer all about "ya'll" - they are originally from Ireland, but now live in Wisconsin.  They need to learn some good ole southern words!!!

Just a quick post to ask for prayer for Hannah.  Apparently she picked up a stomach bug and my sweet girl was up all night sick.  She seems a bit better now, but still a little nauseous.  She has been so very helpful to us through this transition, always looking after her brothers and making sure they are taken care of.  Please pray for a quick recovery.

Also, please ask the Lord to spare the rest of us from it, if it's His will.  We leave here Friday and spend the night in Hong Kong, then the long flight from Hong Kong to Chicago is Saturday.  I dread the thought of a 15 hour flight with any of us having a stomach bug.  But the Lord knows of this, and I trust Him completely in whatever His will is. 

Thank you!